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Climate Impact

Climate Impact Investor Network

Venture Studio
Venture studio - first initiative

The Climate Impact Investor Network (CIIN) seeks to foster a vibrant global community of investors and philanthropists with Climate impact alignment with Maroon Invest Global.

Membership is open to institutional investors, family offices, endowments, foundations, corporations, angel investors, and philanthropists. CIIN global network operations includes New York, San Francisco, Houston, Boston, London, Scotland, and Singapore.

Climate focus areas include:
Blue Economy (Marine BioTech, Seaweed, Coastal Resilience, Marine Energy, OceanTech)
Built Environment (Health Infrastructure, Private Housing, Renewable Energy)
Climate Impact on Health (and chronic Population Health conditions)
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence & Robotics to accelerate and amplify Climate Innovation and measurable Impact

Blue Economy

Built Environment

AI & Robotics in Climate

Climate Impact on Healh

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Areas for greatest Climate Impact

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